Zaltbommel, Netherlands Friday June 24, 2016 Frank Groenen, Vice President SACHEM, Inc. and General Manager of SACHEM Europe B.V. has been elected to the Association of the Dutch

Chemical Industry (VNCI) as a member of the Executive Board and Management Board to represent smaller to medium-sized companies.
The Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry (VNCI) promotes the collective interests of the chemical industry in the Netherlands by means of consultations, information meetings and recommendations. The VNCI acts on behalf of the entire sector as a central contact point and undertakes activities that have a positive impact on the image of the chemical industry.
The association has about 100 members and around 600 companies are directly or indirectly associated with VNCI. The VNCI has a Management Board and an Executive Board. In the Management Board, six seats are being filled by the six largest companies; in addition there are two seats on a rotational basis available for medium and smaller businesses. These seats have an appointment term of four years, each year, two alternates either seats. Frank was elected by his peers to hold one of these seats.
Frank Groenen believes that collaboration in the industry and with its stakeholders like the government and authorities will improve the performance of the Dutch Chemical industry in areas like innovation and business development, labor market, compliance and safety. The VNCI is an important enabler for the cooperation and Frank Groenen and SACHEM, Inc. are looking forward to supporting the VNCI in its goals.