Formulation Components for Selective Etching Applications
Envure SE™ products form the foundation in many critical formulations in selective etching applications. Let us help you tune these components for your individual application. With over 50 years in the industry, SACHEM brings you vast experience and expertise in etching applications.
- Tunable with temperature and concentration
- Good organic solubility and increased performance
- Low metal ion and halide levels budgets
- Lower toxicity alternatives to TMAH
Envure SE™ for etching applications
Selective Etch for IC
Ethyltrimethylammonium Hydroxide (ETMAH) 20% AQ UP
CAS# 30382-83-3

Our goal is to provide you with the solution you have been looking for. Contact us to discuss your application needs or to learn more about:
- TMAH Safety Support Services
- Mobius System® Chemical Recycling Services
- Next Generation Alternatives to TMAH
SACHEM is a leading supplier of electronic formulation components used in developers, etchants, cleaners and strippers for electronic applications for over 20 years. Our high purity expertise enables the design of novel formulation components to achieve complex selectivity goals. SACHEM has developed the Envure System™ to help meet the growing performance, safety and quality standards in the electronics industry.