Austin, TX Monday July 13, 2015 SACHEM experts will be available at SEMICON West, to discuss new and proven solutions for the electronics market. SACHEM’s Envure System™ includes formulation components for stripping, cleaning, developing and etching. Envure™ high purity organic bases for use in microelectronic applications Envure CL™, Envure CM™ cleaner formulary components for IC applications Envure…
Year: 2015
SACHEM Presents Enhanced Li Ion Battery Cathode Materials at AABC

Austin, TX Thursday June 11, 2015 Dr. Jianjun (Fred) Hao, Senior Application Technologist at SACHEM, is presenting a poster titled “A Facile Approach for Metal Oxide Shell Formation on Ceramic Particles for Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Material Applications” at the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC) in Detroit, Michigan June 15-19th. Dr. Hao and his team will present…
SACHEM Receives Pretreatment Compliance Award for the 5th Consecutive Year

(Austin, Texas) Tuesday May 19, 2015 Austin Water Utility’s Excellence in Pretreatment Compliance Award honors distinguished Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) who exhibit environmental stewardship by proactively preventing pollution and managing waste water discharge. On March 26th, SACHEM received the Pretreatment Compliance Award for the 5th consecutive year. Pretreatment Award winners go beyond meeting effluent quality…
SACHEM Wuxi Awarded "Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise 2014"

(Wuxi, China) Wednesday April 29, 2015 We are please to announce that SACHEM Asia’s 80,000 sq. meter production and research facility in Wuxi received the “Advanced Safety Manufacturing Enterprise” award from Wuxi City and Wuxi New District government for 2014. These awards are given to companies with an exemplary safety program and low injury rate. There…
SACHEM Introduces Reveal Etch™ for TSV Silicon Etching

(Austin, Texas) Thursday April 24, 2015 SACHEM is announcing the release of Reveal Etch™, a wet chemistry designed to enable a single-step silicon etch/TSV reveal process. SACHEM developed the chemistry in its R&D center in Austin TX and demonstrated its performance in a Solid State‘s single-wafer processor, as part of the cohabitation between the…
SACHEM Receives Award for Exemplary Safety Program

(Austin, Texas) Tuesday March 3, 2015 Texas Mutual Insurance nominated SACHEM, Inc. for the Texas Workman’s Comp Insurance Board 2014 Peer Review Safety Program. After careful consideration, SACHEM was recognized for having an exemplary safety program. The Texas Department of Insurance Division of Worker’s Compensation (TDI-DWC) Peer Review Safety Program recognizes Texas employers with exemplary safety…