先進陶瓷 | Avanta AC™

SACHEM’s, Avanta AC™ has two applications: Advanced Ceramics and Casting or Investment Casting.



SACHEM 提供的先進陶瓷解決方案和加工助劑解決方案系列產品 Avanta AC™ 在生產先進陶瓷奈米粉時提供超越無機化合物的獨特優勢。

先進鑄造| 熔模鑄造

Investment casting technique (or lost-wax) presents advantages in the production of complex structure parts with key benefits of higher flexibility in design and potential lower cost. However, due to the high reactivity of certain metals/alloys, the reactions between them and mold materials result in the formation of α -phase, which deteriorates the surface and changes the mechanical properties of casting parts. Therefore, conventional refractory materials are not suitable and specific Primary coats (or face-coats) need to be applied.
Avanta AC™ chemicals are ideal for formulators creating solutions specifically designed for the requirements of reactive metals castings manufacturing challenges.

在各種潛在的生產方法之中,基於解決方案的化學方法是最具成本效益且高效的奈米粉製造方法。SACHEM 的 Avanta AC™ 產品可以大大提高這些傳統製造方法的製造性能,其改進方面包括:

  • 可控細微性/較窄的細微性分布
  • 成分均勻性/可控的化學計量法
  • 再分散性
  • 較氫氧化銨更強的鹼性

此外,SACHEM 具有專業的高純度知識、嚴格的品質控制和對安全的堅定承諾,這是眾所周知的。

先進陶瓷奈米粉對從電子、超導體到用於燃料電池的透明導電塗料和無機膜的各種前沿技術應用均至關重要。Reactive metals have been increasingly and widely used in investment casting within automotive, aviation, aerospace, medical and other industrial areas because of their exceptional properties.

讓 SACHEM 成長中的 Avanta AC™ 產品系列為您生產滿足您高要求應用所需的高品質金屬氧化物奈米粉。請聯絡我們,獲取產品資訊和供貨情況。


Avanta AC™ 4111
四甲基氫氧化銨 (TMAH) 含水 25%
CAS# 75-59-2

Avanta AC™ 4122
四甲基氫氧化銨 (TMAH) 最多含水 25%
CAS# 75-59-2

Avanta AC™ 4140
四丁基氫氧化銨 (TBAH),含水 55%
CAS# 2052-49-5

Avanta AC™ 4210
四甲基草酸銨 (TMAOx) 含水 25%
CAS# 98296-17-4

Avanta AC™ 4343
四乙基氫氧化銨 (TEAH) 含水 20%
CAS# 77-98-5/7732-18-5

Avanta AC™ 4401
四乙基氫氧化銨 (TEAH) 含水 35%
CAS# 77-98-5

Avanta AC™ 4435
CAS# 77-98-5

Avanta AC™ 4470
甲基三乙基氫氧化銨 (MTEAH) 含水 20%
CAS# 109334-81-8

Investment Casting
Avanta AC™ 4122
先進鑄造 | 熔模鑄造解決方案
Avanta AC™ 4343
Advanced Casting | Investment Casting Solution
"先進陶瓷 | Avanta AC™"